20 Randoms Things About Krystyn

1. Kristin is my real name, however Krystyn is my makeup alter ego
2. I eat pizza with ketchup and ranch dressing
3. I never took drivers ed or the exam but yet I have my license
4. I have a cat, Lourdes, who I named after Madonna's daughter
5. I want to be Oprah when I grow up
6. I can write backwards in cursive-so that you have to hold it up to a mirror to read it
7. My first TV/Movie crush was Atreyu from the Never Ending Story
8. I can not eat meat off a bone with my teeth
9. I can not wear mittens-they make me feel extremely claustrophobic and can trigger an anxiety attack
10. I love making lists....especially on notecards
11. I am a true Capricorn
12. I am a work in progress...I am perfectly imperfect
13. My father is often mistaken for Lionel Ritchie...I've never been mistaken for Nicole Ritchie
14. I am a deeply spiritual person and following the teachings of the Science of Mind (NOT to be confused with Scientology)
15. I would like to train to run a marathon....I've got a long way to go since I can barely run a mile...ok, maybe a 1/2 marathon
16. I once had my lights turned off in college because I spent my electricity bill money buying Makeup
17. I worked for 5 years as a Sales Manager in the hotel industry before I decided to pursue a career as a Makeup Artist
18. I talk to my mom on the phone at least twice a day
19. My favorite snacks are pretzels dipped in mustard, apple & cheese slices and blueberries and almonds
20. As a child, I use to hate making up my bed. So I would just go to sleep on top of the already made bed using a sheet to cover me. When I got out of bed, I would stuff the sheet underneath the mattress. Now the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is make my bed